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Accessibility Statement for the Integrated Funding Stream Support System (OSF)

The Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education undertakes to ensure the accessibility of the website in accordance with the Act of 4 April 2019 on digital accessibility of websites and mobile applications operated by public entities.

This accessibility statement applies to the Funding Stream Support System (OSF) website, which is available at

  • Website publication date:
  • Last major update:

Website digital accessibility

The website remains partially compliant with the Act of 4 April 2019 on digital accessibility of websites and mobile applications operated by public entities, due to the incompatibilities listed below.

Inaccessible content

Incompliance with the attachment:

  • Some forms do not contain structure tags;
  • In some tables, the header rows do not correspond with the cells; screen readers may be unable to read these tables correctly;
  • Some system components may not be accessible from the keyboard;
  • Alternative text may be absent for some images;
  • Some PDF files available on the website may be inaccessible to some users, as they include content possessed by a public entity that was not produced by or on behalf of that entity or acquired for that entity;

Content published before 23 September 2019 that has not been rebuilt or modified since is inaccessible; this applies in particular to changes in appearance and structure of the presented information and to the method by which the information is published.

Preparation and updates to the website accessibility statement

  • Statement made on:
  • Statement last reviewed on:

This statement was made on the basis of a self-assessment. Self-assessment method: Checklist for assessing website digital accessibility – version 2.2. Download the self-assessment report.

Feedback and contact details

In case of difficulties with the accessibility of the website please contact Rafał Jendrzejewski by email at or by phone on +48 512 014 561.

Everyone has the right to request digital access to this website and its components.

Your request should:

  • include your name and surname,
  • include your contact details (email and telephone number),
  • specify the address of a website with digitally inaccessible elements or content,
  • describe your problem and indicate the preferred method of its solution.

We will process your request as soon as possible, and not later than seven days from the date a request was made.

If meeting this timeline is impossible, we will notify you when the errors you reported will be fixed or when information you seek will be presented in an alternative manner. The new timeline will not exceed 2 months.

In the event we are unable to ensure digital accessibility to the website or content specified in your request, access will be ensured in an alternative manner.

Processing of requests and complaints related to accessibility

In the event we refuse to comply with your request to ensure digital accessibility and you disagree with our decision, you have the right to submit a complaint.

A complaint may also be submitted if you refuse to utilise the alternative manner of digital access that we offered following your request to ensure digital accessibility.

You may submit your complain by mail or email to:

Rafał Jendrzejewski,
al. Niepodległości 188B, 00-608 Warszawa,

Further information is available on the government portal at

In addition, you can report the situation to the Ombudsman and seek their assistance in resolving your issue.

Other information

Architectural accessibility

The building of the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education (ul. Wspólna 1/3, 00-529 Warszawa) is located in the centre of Warsaw, in the district of Śródmieście. It is surrounded by Wspólna, Krucza, Hoża streets and Trzech Krzyży square. The ministerial building can be reached by car or public transport, including by subway (M1 line – Centrum station), by tram (Krucza 05, Krucza 06, Hoża 03 and Hoża 04 stops), and by bus (Pl. Trzech Krzyży 03, Pl. Trzech Krzyży 52, Krucza 01, Krucza 02, Wspólna 01 and Wspólna 02 stops).

The building can be accessed via three entrances. The main entrance to the building is from 20 Hoża Street; the building can be also accessed via two entrances from Wspólna Street. Guests should use the main entrance. The main entrance is adapted to the needs of the disabled people using wheelchair users.

The reception desk is located in the lobby, opposite the main entrance. In order to make it possible for deaf visitors to receive sounds via hearing aids fitted with T coils, the reception desk has been equipped with an audio induction loop system. The reception desk is located opposite the front door and has a station to comfortably serve wheelchair users. To the left of the entrance is a cloakroom, and to the right is a waiting room for guests and waiting persons, equipped with a water dispenser.

In the lobby, above the reception desk, there are electronic information boards, which display data in a contrasting manner, and at a height that can be read by disabled people in wheelchairs or people of low height. Other areas of the building can be accessed only via electronic gates. The gates are wide enough for wheelchair users. Guests and visitors may not move around the building without being accompanied by security guards or members of the staff of the department/office they are visiting.

The building has four lifts that are adapted to the needs of wheelchair users and visually impaired people – the floor keys are illuminated with contrasting colours and embossed, which enables visually impaired visitors to read the floor numbers in Braille. The lifts transmit voice announcements, indicating the location of the lift, and the opening and closing of the doors, and are equipped with wall-mounted retractable chairs. Corridors and rooms are adapted to the needs of wheelchair users at all floors of the building (ground floor and floors 1 through 5). Thresholds between corridors and office rooms are on the same level as the floor. In exceptional cases, the height of thresholds complies with regulations in force and does not exceed 2 cm. In order to make the thresholds more visible, they are marked with high contrast colours.

Two vertical passageways (stairs) are located on the right and on the left sides of the building. The first and the last steps of the stairs are marked with yellow warning stripes. Tactile (Braille) legends are embossed on handrails to inform visually impaired visitors where the stairs lead. The inner continuous handrail marks the escape route for the visually impaired, while the outer noncontinuous handrail marks the regular transport route.

The disabled toilet is located on the ground floor, in the right (eastern) wing of the building. The toilet is equipped with an emergency button to summon assistance and with a toilet seat with armrests that facilitates use of the lavatories.

At the entrance to the car park, next to the gate barrier, there is a loudspeaker and a button that can be used by visually impaired visitors to summon assistance.

One marked disabled parking place is available in the car park of the Ministry, which is located in front of the building. Next to the entrance to the car park of the Ministry (in front of the gate barrier on ul. Hoża), two additional disabled parking spaces marked by upright signs are available to the public. The parking space in the car park of the Ministry is integrated with a passageway (pavement). The path that leads to the main entrance is lowered to ground level and is adapted to the needs of disabled visitors. The visibility of the pavement curb is increased by high contrast colours. The traffic in the car park of the Ministry is handled by the security team who, at visitors’ request, can help in using a parking space and accessing the building.

Assistance dogs and guide dogs that accompany visually impaired or disabled visitors are permitted in all areas of the building. The building is not marked with a pictogram informing visitors of this possibility.

The building has signs with information in large print for partially-sighted visitors (the route that leads to the main exit from the building on the ground floor). Two evacuation chairs for disabled and unconscious visitors are located on the fifth floor.

The building is equipped with an acoustic fire alarm system. Evacuation procedures consider assistance provided to visitors who have special needs.

Communication and information accessibility

According to the Act of 19 August 2011 on sign language and other means of communication, the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education provides people who experience permanent or periodical problems with communication with the following methods to contact the office:

Fax: (+48 22) 52 92 792

As of 4 March 2024, we provide access to the online Polish Sign Language (PJM) translator, which is available via the „Tłumacz Migam” service.

Link to the Tłumacz Migam service

The link to the translator is in the upper right hand corner of the website.
The service is available Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 16:00 CET/CEST.

Online communication is ensured via a dedicated internet platform available at and is funded by the Ministry of Digital Affairs.

After establishing a video connection via the website, a translator will make a call on behalf of a deaf person.

The service is available directly via internet browsers and does not necessitate any external software.
The service is available Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 16:00 CET/CEST.

Interpreters for Polish Sign Language (PJM), Sign Language System (SJM) and SKOGN are available at the Ministry headquarters. Service users must submit a request at least three business days prior to their scheduled meeting at the office.

Documents necessary to handle official matters are provided by the Ministry to authorised people, in an accessible form, at their request. Authorised people are also entitled to be accompanied by an assistant when they contact representatives of the Ministry.