Open calls
Below you will find information about the calls currently open in the OSF system.
By clicking on a selected program, you will be redirected to the official program documentation on the website of the institution announcing the call for competitive proposals.
International Co-Financed Projects Projekty Międzynarodowe Współfinansowane | Application for allocation of funds for the implementation of investment related to scientific activities (special/random incident submission procedure only) Wniosek w sprawie przyznania środków finansowych na realizację inwestycji związanej z działalnością naukową | Grants for grants – promotion of quality IV (Horizon Europe) Granty na granty – promocja jakości IV (Horyzont Europa) |
Application for permission to establish a degree program in a specific field, level and profile Wniosek o pozwolenie na utworzenie studiów na określonym kierunku, poziomie i profilu | Proposals for the allocation of funds for the implementation of an investment related to education Wnioski w sprawie przyznania środków finansowych na realizację inwestycji związanej z kształceniem |

Click here for details of the planned schedule of NCN competitions.
Not sure which competition organized by the National Science Center you can participate in?
Answer the questions here and find the matching funding opportunities.

no open calls available |
Last updated: September 19, 2024.